Treating Insects in Pets
March 13, 2022

Infestation with lice can cause itching, soreness, inflammation, and the shedding of hair. Learn to identify and remove lice as soon as possible if the pet is infested, as it can cause more significant health issues. You and your dog are not at risk of contracting lice from each other. The species-specific nature of lice means that they won’t switch to eating dining preferences if they settle on you.

What Are Dog Lice?

These are insects that inhabit the feathers and hair of birds and mammals. They are small, wingless, flat, and six-legged insects. It can be held on the animal’s fur by hook-like claws on each leg. The host skin, feathers, blood, or sebaceous secretions, are the primary sources of nutrition for these parasites.


Adult lice are yellow, tan, or brown and can be seen with the naked eye. On the other hand, Fleas have a dark, almost black appearance. Parting the pet’s hair and inspecting the hair shaft reveals the parasite.

What Causes Fleas and Ticks in Dogs?

Animals get fleas from other flea-infested animals, such as stray dogs or cats, or urban wildlife like opossums and raccoons. Fleas hatched from those eggs, and as adults, they hop into pets. They are called “living salt shakers” because of their appearance.
Dogs are more likely to get ticks because they walk through wooded or grassy areas, and these ticks, known as questing, crawl up on low grasses or shrubs. As soon as we or our pets touch these ticks, they come loose and attach themselves to us.

What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Canine Lice?

Dogs regularly treated for fleas and ticks are virtually free of lice infestations. Currently, most animals with lice infestations are old or sick, feral or stray. Lice and eggs can be difficult to remove from the pet’s hair, so the first step in treating infestations is to remove the pet’s matted hair. You can utilize flea brushes to eliminate dead and live lice from the remaining coat. Use other insecticides or flea shampoo on the brush for at least ten minutes after using it.

You can effectively treat lice in dogs with a variety of pesticides. Imidacloprid, fipronil, and selamectin have all been effective against insects. Dogs can also benefit from applying permethrin to their skin. If you have both cats and dogs, you should exercise extreme caution when using these products, as they can be toxic to cats.

Using topical or shampoo-based insecticides to kill nymphs or adults will not get rid of eggs; therefore, treatments will need to be continued for at least a month. It’s essential to treat all of your dogs at home. For a minimum of four weeks after medication, keep an infected dog and his furnishings away from surrounding animals.

If you want to avoid re-infestation, clean all of the dogs’ bedding, clothing, collars, and leashes in hot water. Dogs in poor condition or living in contaminated places are more likely to be infested by lice. Improved grooming, nutrition, and housing are significant ways to prevent future louse infestations in dogs.