Health Care for Pregnant Dogs
September 2, 2022

A dog pregnancy period is lovely to nurture, pay more attention to, and cherish your companion. Hormones, appetite, weight, and temperament vary during pregnancy in dogs, just as they do with people.
If you suspect your dog is pregnant, you should look for indications as many signs don’t appear till after the first month. During this period, the dog will require more attention and affection. Make sure not to put the dog through any intense activities, and talk to a vet about food and drug requirements.

Pregnancy Symptoms 

Knowing how to recognize the indicators of pregnancy will assist you in preparing for the proper care. Unless you’re breeding, pets can be secretive, and you might not realize you’re dealing with a pregnant dog.

The abdomen is an excellent marker of pregnancy, depending on the dog’s type and size. The stomach grows 20 to 50 percent during pregnancy, but this may not be evident until a few weeks before the dog gives birth. Around a month into pregnancy, she will experience vaginal discharge and enlargement of the teats.

Consult a vet if your dog is showing indications of pregnancy. You can get confirmation by using ultrasound, examining the abdomen, and using an endocrine diagnostic to detect hormones produced by pregnant dogs.

Pregnant Dogs’ Behavior

The behavior will vary due to hormonal changes and mothering instincts that all animals have. They may become less energetic and passive and refuse to eat regular foods. If the dog becomes reserved or loses her appetite, this could indicate pregnancy difficulties. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy might cause a dog’s appetite to be affected. This is a common symptom of depression, so if it persists, you should see a veterinarian.

When a dog starts to scratch or hoard food, it’s a sign of anxiety. Pregnant dogs exhibit this behavior when they feel the need to nest. Pregnant dogs have a different temperament, which is another behavioral shift. If your dog is expecting a pup, she may become overly sensitive to noises and strangers or begin to crave more affection.

Nurturing Pregnant Dogs

Pregnant dogs must be appropriately cared for, ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and her puppies. It would be best to feed them a high-fat, high-protein, and high-mineral diet. You may have to buy more feed for pregnant dogs because their dietary requirements will increase by around 1.5 times the regular pace.

Do not deprive pregnant dogs of food since they will need additional nutrients to give birth to healthy pups. If she is suffering from morning sickness, it can be pretty typical. Get advice on the best pre-and post-natal dog performance meals from the vet. Get advice on the best pre-and post-natal dog performance meals from the vet.


Pregnant dogs can benefit significantly from regular walking to stay in shape, which will improve their ability to cope with labor and delivery. As the pregnancy gets older, it’s best to keep the walks shorter but more frequent.